please go to my new web site
new sleepingelf web site
please go to my new web site
to order DOLLS
On each page is an order form
you can pick what doll you would like to order in what colour resin ..this I now send straight into Dennis at Bobobie
..If I have them in stock ..there is a paypal button available for you to buy straight away
I also have in stock items on my Etsy ..if you are not a member but would like to order the doll on Etsy ..please contact
me via the web form and I will send you an invoice
Custom colourways or mould mixs or parts
can also be ordered ..these take 6-8 weeks to be shipped

to contact me click here to e.mail me

to order WIGS
to order a wig ..please fill in the form either on the wig page or below ..the more information you can give me the better
as each wig is custom made
colour charts can be seen on the Tibettan Wigs page
for new charts go to my new web site x
wigs page and colour charts

available on Etsy right now to buy

to contact me , click this link to e.mail me or fill in the form below